The Friends of Fort Trumbull


The War of 1812- Who fought that? What were the causes? What were the results?  So few of us know the answers to those questions because the War of 1812 is one of those periods that frequently gets lost in the study of American History.  If you are a history lover who would like to be able to answer these questions, you owe it to yourself to attend the 2013 Program Series of The Friends of Fort Trumbull.

This year we have scheduled an exciting variety of well-known speakers on this period of history, whose legendary battles and blunders helped to shape the destiny of a fledgling democracy.  The over-view of the war will be presented by Dr. Mathew Warshauer, CCSU Professor of History and Co-Chair of the Connecticut Civil War Commission, who will help to untangle the complicated causes of the War of 1812. 

Glenn Gordinier, the Robert Albion Historian at the Mystic Seaport and the principal author of the 2012 book-The Rockets’ Red Glare, will discuss Connecticut’s activities in the war and the local events which happened on our very shores. 

Richard Radune, author of Sound Rising, will deal with the role of Long Island Sound in the War of 1812.

Local history will come alive when Jerry Robert of the Connecticut River Museum discusses the British Raid of Essex and members of the Stonington Historical Society discuss the Battle of Stonington. 

One of the most famous heroines of that war, Dolly Madison, will be portrayed by Carolyn Ivanoff, a well-known historical presenter. 

Finally, the music of that period, which depicted a struggling country torn by dissension, will be brought to life by the Midnight Belles.

Our usual meeting night is at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at the Fort Trumbull Conference Center, 90 Walbach Street, New London, CT. The meetings are open to the public and new members are always welcome.